Funding and Support.

Our grants portfolio - past and present



 NIH R01AT010787-01 (scored, in resubmission)

Turner, Stokes, Kaminski : MPI

 Regulation of pain and peripheral sensitization by analgesic desensitization of TRPV ion channels


2020-2024 National Institute on Drugs of Abuse

 NIH R15DA051749-01

 Turner: PI

 Ionotropic pathways regulated by cannabinoids and terpenes

2019-23                   Geist Foundation for Medical Research, Hawai'i Community Foundation 19CON-95456

Turner: PI

Mast cell ionotropic responses to Hymenoptera venom

2018-current          GB Sciences Research Award

Turner: PI

Cannabinoid and terpene regulation of TRPV ion channels in pain and inflammation

2015-20                    NIH R15 DK100978

Turner: PI

Mast cell regulation in metabolic disorders

2013-2019               DOD, Air Force Research Laboratories Minority Leaders/Research Competitiveness Programs

Turner: PI

Mast cell regulation by particulate nanomaterials

2011-current          General Atlantic Foundation

Turner: PI

Mast cell ion channel physiology


2010-2015               National Science Foundation EPS-0903833

Turner: Sub-award PI (PI Gaines)

RII Track I EPSCoR research award: Mast cell regulation by Pacific natural products

2009-2011               Geist Foundation for Medical Research, Hawai'i Community Foundation: #43508

Turner: PI

Mast cell regulation in metabolic disorders

2004-2009               NIH RO1 GM070634

Turner: PI

TRPV2 cation channel function in mast cells

2006-2009               NIH RO1 GM070634

Turner: PI

Diversity supplement to parent RO1: TRPV2 cation channel function in mast cells

2004-2009               NIH RO1 AI050200

Turner: Co-investigator (PI Penner)

InsP3-mediated calcium responses in mast cells

2010-2013               NCI U54CA143727

 Turner: sub-award PI (PI Vogel)

Graduate student support for ion channel research  (NHPI student)

2008-2009               NIH R21 DA024444

Turner: sub-award PI  (PI Yanagihara)

Mast cell calcium channel regulation by Cnidarian venoms

2010-2012               NIH RO1 AR059388

Turner: sub-award PI  (PI Yanagihara)

Mast cell calcium channel regulation by Cnidarian venoms

2006-2007               Queen Emma Research Foundation

Turner: PI

Analysis of mast cell MDR blockers for asthma and COPD

2005-2006               Queen Emma Research Foundation

Turner: Co-PI

In vitro assay system for uptake and fate analysis of PET tracers derived from fluorocholine

2002-2005               Geist Foundation for Medical Research, Hawai'i Community Foundation: 20020697

Turner: PI

Cannabinoid regulation of mast cell function

2003-2005               Leahi Fund for Pulmonary Research, Hawai'i Community Foundation: 20030095

Turner: PI

Investigation of TRPA1 ion channels in lung pathology

2003-2004               Rockefeller Brothers Foundation

Turner: PI

TRPV2 ion channels in thermal injury

2003-2005               NIH National Center for Research Resources IdeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence: P20RR016467

Turner: sub-award PI (PI Smith)

Ion channels in mast cell functional responses


2017-22                    Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Inclusive Excellence Award

Turner: PI

Ho’imi program in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander student success

2018-2023               National Science Foundation: #2030654

Turner: PI

S-STEM undergraduate scholarship program in Data Science

2018-2023               National Institutes for Health IdeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence P20GM103466 

Turner: Sub-award PI (PI Nichols)

Hawai‘i state IdeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence

2017-2021               National Science Foundation: #OIA1557349 

Turner: Co-PI, (PI Jacobs)

EPSCoR RII Track 1 award: Hawai'i Ike wai program.

2018-2023               National Science Foundation: #1833772

Turner: co-PI

2018-2023               National Science Foundation: # 18-26864

Turner: Co-Principal Investigator (PI Genz)

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation  (LSAMP): Islands of Opportunity Pacific STEM Alliance

2016-2023               Kamehameha Schools: Ho’oulu Scholars Program

Turner: PI

Native Hawaiian STEM undergraduate scholarship program

S-STEM undergraduate scholarship program in Biology and Environmental Sciences

2018-2020               National Science Foundation: #1811691

Turner: PI

AISL: Advancing Informal Science Learning in Hawaii 

2017-2020               National Science Foundation: #1736831 

Turner: Co-PI (PI Gaither)

NSF INCLUDES: Data science training initiative for NHPI

2015-2020               National Institutes of Health (NICHD)

G11 HD080230

Turner: Senior adviser personnel ((PI Whippy))

Biomedical Research and Development (BRAD Program): Faculty Development and Sponsored Programs support


2015-2019               National Science Foundation: #1525884

Turner: PI

I-USE Improving Undergraduate STEM Education in Environmental and Data Sciences

2010-2016               NIH National Institute on Minority Health and Disparities: P20MD0006084 (PI Ploeger)

Turner: Proposal author and Program Director (PI Ploeger)

Biomedical Research Infrastructure and Capacity building (BRIC)

2008-2010               The Atlantic Philanthropies Director’s Fund

Turner: Contributing Author and Project Director

Capital grant for science facilities renovation at Chaminade

2008-2013               U.S. DOE Title III: PO31W080002

Turner: Contributing Author and Activity Director

BS in Nursing program development

2009-2010               U.S. DOE Title III: PO31W080002

Turner: Contributing Author and Activity Director

BS in Nursing program development supplement.

2008-2010               U.S. DOE Title III, CCRAA: PO31W080002

Turner: Proposal Author and Activity Director

Capital grant for major research instrumentation

2008-2010               U.S. DOE Title III, CCRAA: PO31W080002

Turner: Proposal Author and Activity Director

Capital grant for major research instrumentation, supplement

2007-2018               National Science Foundation:#HRD1102524

Turner: Sub-award PI (PI Straney)

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation student academic enrichment program at Chaminade

2009-2011               The Atlantic Philanthropies Director’s Fund

Turner: Proposal Author and Project Director

UCSF-Chaminade Nursing Partnership program

2009-2010               E.L. Wiegand Foundation

Turner: Proposal Author and Project Director

Capital grant for Nursing program simulation facility

2008-2009               Harold K.L. Castle Foundation

Turner: Proposal Author and Project Director

Capital grant for science facilities renovation

2008                          U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration

Turner: Senior personnel

Capital award for Nursing program facility

2010-2013               National Institutes for Health IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence: P20RR016467

Turner: Sub-award PI (PI White)

Biomedical research capacity building at Chaminade

2013-2018               National Institutes for Health IdeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence: P20GM103466

Turner: Sub-award PI (PI Nichols)

Biomedical research capacity building at Chaminade

2014-16                    HMSA Foundation

Turner: PI

Development of a post-baccalaureate programs for biology graduates

2008-2010               Hawai’i Community Foundation

Turner: PI

Office of Sponsored Research development at Chaminade.

2015-2016               G.N. Wilcox Foundation

Turner: PI

Science instrumentation purchases

2016-2017               G.N. Wilcox Foundation

Turner: PI

Science instrumentation purchases

2017-2018               G.N. Wilcox Foundation

Turner: PI

Science instrumentation purchases

2015-2016               Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Program

Turner: PI

STEM Teacher professional development program using Hawai'i-Pacific primary sources.

2013-2014               Alana Dung Foundation

Turner: PI

Support for faculty-student research STEM projects at Chaminade

2014-2015               Alana Dung Foundation

Turner: PI

Support for faculty-student research STEM projects at Chaminade

2018-2019               Alana Dung Foundation

Turner: PI

Support for faculty-student research STEM projects at Chaminade

2014-2015               Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Turner: PI

Conference planning grant